APA Independent Review Information

The results of an independent review (known as the Hoffman Report) commissioned by the American Psychological Association (APA) were recently released to the public.  The review investigated the role that psychologists and APA played with the Department of Defense in the Bush administration's war on terror program.  The report found that: "some of the association’s top officials, including its ethics director, sought to curry favor with Pentagon officials by seeking to keep the association’s ethics policies in line with the interrogation policies of the Defense Department, while several prominent outside psychologists took actions that aided the C.I.A.’s interrogation program and helped protect it from growing dissent inside the agency."  Since the release of the report the APA board of directors has taken several actions and is making more recommendations to APA's Council of Representatives.  The OPA board of directors and membership have been monitoring this issue closely and communicating with our members about it.  In addition, several organizations and individuals within the psychological community have posted various statements and information regarding the issue.

Below is a partial list of some sources of information and/or feedback that the OPA board of directors and members have been monitoring.  This list is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete list of information available, but to serve as some resources.  We provide these links as a potential source of information for people who would like more information on this issue.

APA Webpage on Hoffman Report and place for feedback to APA

OPA's Statement on Hoffman Report

Response to Hoffman Report from Banks, Dunivin, James and Newman

APA's Resolution to Amend the 2006 and 2013 Council Resolutions to Clarify the Roles of Psychologists Related to Interrogation and Detainee Welfare in National Security Settings to Further Implement the 2008 Petition Resolution, and to Safeguard Against Acts of Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in All Settings

Early Career Psychologists Coalition for the Advancement of Psychology - Survey or contact them at [email protected]

Psychologists for Social Responsibility Response

APAGS Response

Society of Indian Psychologists Response

Statements from State Psychological Associations

Statement from Drs Newman, Dunivin, Banks & James

Statement from Barry Anton, PhD

Statement from Joseph Matarazzo, PhD

Comments to APA Board from Stephen Soldz and Steven Reisner 7-2-15

Koocher and Levant Comment on Hoffman Report

California Psychological Association Editorial to Sacramento Bee

Chronicle of Higher Education

New York Times Articles